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Carrots, goat cheese and apple tart


I already talked to you about Françoise et ses tartes. It is not possible to taste them here yet. But the good thing is that on their website they put the keys ingredients of their pies. One seemed interesting to me:

« carrot, apple and cheese???!! » said le centurion quite sceptical! « Yes! I am sure it’s gonna be good » I answered

So I tried. I did not have anymore curry so I exchanged it with turmeric…it could have been another spice, but this one came to my mind. I tried to figure out what could be the best way to bake it, the best proportion of the different ingredients.

And I baked it (and baked it again… yesterday).

First bite…and second, and then the whole piece of pie, and then the 3 of us (a friend M. was with us for lunch) have eaten 3 quarter of the pie. Just the decency kept us to eat it all, after all we had already eaten the crostini with mozzarella di Buffala and the beetroot salad. We had an apple pie with ice cream as dessert, some delicious cannoli that M. brought us and some macarons with salted butter caramel to go with coffee… could it be a little bit too much?

My parents in law tasted it the day after and just loved it. Yes it is like that here my recipes have to be approved, eaten, by the whole family.

This pie is unbelievable. I do not know quantities in the original one, but believe me, bake it, and you will do it again, and again…and again!

Thank you Françoise!

Bon appétit!

Carrots, apple and goat cheese pie

  • 1 roll of puff pastry
  • 160 g carrots
  • 1 green apple (Granny)
  • 50 g salted butter
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 160 g goat cheese (the yul log type)
  • 1 tbsp turmeric
  • 150 ml liquid cream
  • 2 eggs
  • pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 180 ° C.
  2. Peel the carrots and apple. Grate.
  3. In a pan, melt butter. Add turmeric and garlic. Heat for 30 seconds.
  4. Add grated carrots. Allow to heat 1-2 minutes.
  5. Add the grated apple.
  6. Heat for 5 minutes over low heat.
  7. Beat cream and eggs. Pour 80 g of goat cheese. Whisk thoroughly to homogenize the mixture. Add some pepper.
  8. Spread the dough in a dish. Add carrots and apple.
  9. Crumble over the remaining goat cheese.
  10. Pour cream + eggs.
  11. Bake for 30 minutes.

Tarte carottes, pomme et chèvre

  • 1 rouleau de pate feuilletée
  • 160 g de carottes
  • 1 pomme verte (granny)
  • 50 g de beurre demi sel
  • 2 gousses d’ail
  • 160 g de fromage de chèvre (type buche de chevre)
  • 1 c. à s. de curcuma
  • 150 ml de crème fraiche liquide
  • 2 oeufs
  • poivre
  1. Préchauffer le four à 180°C.
  2. Eplucher les carottes et la pomme. Les raper.
  3. Dans une poele, faire chauffer le beurre. Ajouter le curcuma et l’ail. Laisser chauffer pendant 30 secondes.
  4. Ajouter les carottes rapées. Laisser chauffer 1-2 minutes.
  5. Ajouter la pomme rapée.
  6. Laisser chauffer pendant 5 minutes sur feu doux.
  7. Battre la crème et les oeufs. Y ajouter 80 g de fromage de chèvre. Bien fouetter pour homogénéiser le mélange. Poivrer légèrement.
  8. Etaler la pate dans un plat. Déposer le mélange carottes+pomme.
  9. Emietter dessus le reste de fromage de chèvre.
  10. Verser la crème+oeufs.
  11. Enfourner pour 30 minutes.

Torta di carota, mela e caprino

  • 1 rotolo di pasta sfoglia
  • 160 g di carote
  • 1 mela verde (Granny)
  • 50 g di burro salato
  • 2 spicchi di aglio
  • 160 g di formaggio di capra (buche de chevre*)
  • 1 cucchiaio di curcuma
  • 150 ml di panna liquida
  • 2 uova
  • pepe
  1. Preriscaldare il forno a 180 ° C.
  2. Sbucciate le carote e mela. Le grattugiare.
  3. In una padella, fate sciogliere il burro. Aggiungere la curcuma e l’aglio. Riscaldare per 30 secondi.
  4. Aggiungere le carote grattugiate. Lasciare sul fuoco 1-2 minuti.
  5. Aggiungere la mela grattugiata.
  6. Riscaldare per 5 minuti a fuoco basso.
  7. Sbattere la panna e uova. Versare 80 g di formaggio di capra. Frullare accuratamente per omogeneizzare la miscela. Aggiungere un po’ di peppe.
  8. Stendere la pasta in un piatto. Versare le carote e mela.
  9. Sbriciolate il formaggio di capra rimanenti.
  10. Versare la crema + uova.
  11. Cuocere in forno per 30 minuti.

*si trova alla Coop…

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